post cyclone period I found myself all alone in a graveyard, not of people but of their love, affection.or in other terms it was the graveyard of humanity. I always believed that circumstances may affect your life but it cannot completely change you. So when I saw people changing around me, I was stunned.
Still I tried, tried my best to manage the situation hoping that may be someday I will recoup the old world and everything will be alright. But I was wrong, how couldn’t I realize that the time that has gone will never come again. My belief was so wrong. Just one seizure changed people around me totally. Soon I realized that the devil of that cyclone is coming towards me. It wanted to take away all the good things from me. But I did not want to I started running ,running aimlessly find a better place where I can hide myself hide within the good people ..assuming may be the devil will back out seeing some positive force. ...he wont dare to proceed towards me. But I didn’t find a place till now..and …..
I am running ..Still running…
1 comment:
"The only constant thing in life is change" Nobody and Nothing can escape that. We just have to live with that...
I joined a AOL(Art of Livin) crash course in my second year...was too lazy to stick to what they taught..but there is one thing one of the instructor said that forever stuck to me "Expectations always lead to sorrows" Stop expecting and you will start cherishing every little thing people do or had done for you. Easier said than done though, coz its human primal tendency to hold expectations ;)
Anyways watch "Life is Beautiful" and you will start seeing that life ain't that bad :)
Luv Keep writing
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